Qualifications are the educational and other skills required for different jobs. A qualification could be narrowly defined as training consisting of one or more elements, which, when completed, is called a qualification by the training provider. Typically, such qualifications also have a certain period of validity. 

For example, a community nurse must retake the drug screening test at certain intervals to maintain the qualification. Similarly, a person who works with fire must always hold a valid fire working card and a lifeguard must hold a valid first aid card. In a quality-oriented industry, there are various safety requirements, training in the use of equipment and quality-related tasks, instructions and documentation that must be mastered. The management and documentation of qualifications is a key part of quality management, and in some sectors, required by legislation. 

Inductions in Excel and qualifications on a paper map – it no longer works.

The challenge for companies in managing competences can be the fragmentation of knowledge about workers. Inductions in Excel and qualifications on a paper map – it no longer works. Employee personal data and induction should be stored in one secure location to ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The easiest way to manage qualifications is to use a system where all the necessary information can be viewed in one place.

Covid-19 is a good example of how guidelines can change even on a daily basis

Qualifications are often subject to both development and change, but sometimes also to immediate changes in policies and guidelines. These changes, and the amount of data to be examined, can cause some grey hairs for companies. Covid-19 is a good example of how guidelines can change even on a daily basis and if a company operates, there are several, managing change becomes very challenging. In such a situation, how should you go through the qualifications or information of hundreds of people if it is not managed centrally and electronically? 

NordCheck’s solutions make the management of qualifications efficient and comprehensive – from instructions on how to use equipment to requirements for different departments and roles.

If you need help managing your company’s qualifications, feel free to contact us.

We are here for you!